On 24-Sep-04 the GW commando coersion squad reported Peter Galbavy said :
> Nicole wrote:
>> So.. I guess we will be cranking out those H1b's...Plan to kiss your
>> raises
>> and or jobs bye bye to some specialized cheap imported Cisco trained
>> networking person from China.
> There is an implicit assumption here that the objective of 100% of these 
> trainees will be to move as economic migrants to "the West". Wrong folks. 
> Very very wrong. Notice how China as a *consumer* is growing faster than 
> anyone else around ? While there may well be some (what's the right word ?) 
> "retro-sourcing" of cheap labour into the US (and the EU), I suspect that 
> once any initial levelling of the field happens, there will be just as much, 
> if not more, movement the other way.

 China is a communist and closed loop society. Thats teh real problem. The
company that claims it "runs the internet" (or some such phrase) is now saying
we prefer communist China than America and American Jobs. China is very very
good and writing into their contacts that most all training and workers are
Chineese. No one can reasonably assume that any number larger than you have
fingers and toes will be imported to work on Cisco gear. Let alone any other
networking.  What company woudl not want to hire someone who puts on his resume
"helped configure and work on the largest new networking buildout since 1993." 
 Or "trained in Cisco training center".

 Now yes, some of that money will eeek its way back into the hands of the
American companies. But with their seting themselves up offshore to avoid taxes
and re-investing into China etc and feeding their economy. After they pay their
million dollar salary's how much do you think trickles back down to us?
 Btw the best definition I ever heard of trickle down economy was from Bill
Maher who said its like a eufamism for being peed on from above. of Gosh we
have so much money to hold.. some may fall through as we try to hang onto it
all.. so you can have that. Much like scraps for the pet dog.

 Yes it may hit China eventually like it did with Japan that our futures are
linked. But China is playing things close to the chest. They really don't need
to import much so they are not so linked to us during their growth. 
 They don't really buy much from us. What they Have to buy they seem to be
counterfitting or getting cheaply or just plain ol stealing as far as
technology goes.

> There is a lot of jingoistic rhetoric here, and not enough rational thought 
> about the objective - building big networks in the biggest economy of the 
> near future.

 Yes, but it will be done by the chineese. You won't see more than a handfull
of people their. Probobly mostly the execs smiling about their payoff and
planned happy retirement.
> PS I hate *all* certification with a passion, regardless of level and 
> including things like my BSc which was just a great excuse to drink lots for 
> a few years. The person doing the selection of candidates should have enough 
> expertise themselves to make a rational judgement based on a face to face 
> interview.

 If Cisco was sex there would be 90% fewer babies! You need a manual even for
something basic and you can't do much more without loads of training. It's what
assured and kept most networking people fat and happy. It's not some windows
based thing that can be additionally assigned to bob in accounting when he's
not busy. But when a company can find a way to cut costs. They will! Becouse we
as Americans are lazy and complacent and most don't even know what's going on in
the world. 

 The most amazing thing to me is the concept that someone actually had a house,
a car, was married with kids and supported them well by owning a hat store!


> Peter 

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