Nicole wrote:
>  China is a communist and closed loop society. Thats teh real problem. The
> company that claims it "runs the internet" (or some such phrase) is now saying
> we prefer communist China than America and American Jobs. 

Who are you to say communism's bad if you've never even tried it?

>  Btw the best definition I ever heard of trickle down economy was from Bill
> Maher who said its like a eufamism for being peed on from above. of Gosh we
> have so much money to hold.. some may fall through as we try to hang onto it
> all.. so you can have that. Much like scraps for the pet dog.

That's "euphemism".  And to you believe everything the liberal news
media says?  As I recall, this whole thread (which, I might add, is
not in the least bit operational, nor relevent) was started in
response to a sound bite you heard on TV, whcih you were unable to
even provide a proper reference for.
>  They don't really buy much from us. What they Have to buy they seem to be
> counterfitting or getting cheaply or just plain ol stealing as far as
> technology goes.

"Have" should be lower-case.  

>  Yes, but it will be done by the chineese. You won't see more than a handfull

"Chinese" and "handful," you mean?

> of people their. Probobly mostly the execs smiling about their payoff and

"there" is the word you're looking for, not "their"

> not busy. But when a company can find a way to cut costs. They will! Becouse we
> as Americans are lazy and complacent and most don't even know what's going on in
> the world.

Sounds like Cisco's doing something smart.  Maybe it's time to quit
crying and purchase some shares in CSCO.

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