On Mon, 21 May 2007, Gadi Evron wrote:

> On Mon, 21 May 2007, Chris L. Morrow wrote:
> > the root servers are responsible how exactly for the fast-flux issues?
> > Also, there might be some legittimate business that uses something like
> > the FF techniques... but, uhm... how are the root servers involved again?
> >
> Small note: For regular fastflux, yes. for NS fastflux, not so much.

For regular FF 'yes' but for ns FF not much? Hrm, not much legit purpose?
or not much the root/tld folks can do?

I ask because essentially akamai's edgesuite (and I might have their
product names confused some) seems to do FF ... or the same thing FF does.
Doesn't it?


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