On Mon, 13 Aug 2007, Carl Karsten wrote:

> > So, to be clear folks want to make it much more difficult for
> > grandma-jones to return the typo'd: mygramdkids.com for mygrandkids.com
> > right?
> Not just that, they want registrars to take a revenue cut.
> I am assuming that
> A. a registrar would get less business being "less forgiving" than others.
> B. a registrar gets revenue from tasted domains that taste good.

I think the policy change would most likely be at the ICANN level or
perhaps at the registry level. I got the impression that the current
policy 'loophole' was at the registry or ICANN level already. So, this
would probably

> I see no finical incentive for a registrar to change their policy.

because they are often part of the tasting ... so they don't want to cut
off their revenue stream, which in no way touches grandma-jones and her
typo'd domain purchase, fyi.

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