On Mon, 13 Aug 2007, William Herrin wrote:

> Chris,
> Suggestion B in ICANN's information request was:
> "making the ICANN annual transaction fee (currently 0.20 USD per year)
> apply to names deleted during the [5-day Add Grace Period],"
> Wouldn't this essentially end the bad-behavior domain tasting without
> hurting grandma-jones with her typo?

This would incur a 20 cent/domain fee for return of the domain inside the
grace period, yes? that would add a slow drain to the taster's
pocketbooks, is that slow-drain enough to make tasting less profitable? or
'not profitable'?  If so, then yes probably it'd slow tasting or end it.
I don't think that a 'processing fee' is abnormal on returned items so
that  might even sit well enough with grandma-jones (in my example).

> And if it was still profitable to taste domain names, wouldn't it pump
> so much money into ICANN that they could lower the annual fees for the
> rest of us?

hey lookie, a nice side effect :)

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