On 26 Apr 2019, at 5:49 PM, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via NANOG <nanog@nanog.org> 
> ...
> Not only that. I really think they have not invested enough time to read the 
> proposal, check with the authors and then take a decision. We have got some 
> email exchange, but clearly not sufficient. I also must state that the staff 
> has been very helpful and diligent to clarify and support the petition 
> process. Just the point is, should have never been needed, it exposes how bad 
> (in my opinion) is the ARIN AC model.

Jordi - 

I have no views on the particular policy proposal or the petition action, but 
want to be clear regarding some of your characterizations of the ARIN Policy 
Development Process (ARIN PDP).  It is correct that the ARIN Advisory Council 
(a body elected by the ARIN membership) is in charge of administering the 
policy development process, including working with submitters to get their 
proposals accepted as draft policies and revising draft policies based on the 
community discussion. 

In general, policy proposals are discussed at length between the submitter and 
the assigned ARIN Advisory Council (ARIN AC) members, with the goal of making a 
clear and understandable statement of the problem in number resource policy 
that is to be addressed – as that is the required criteria for a Draft Policy.  
Once a policy proposal has a clear problem statement, the ARIN AC accepts it as 
a Draft Policy and it is discussed (often at length) on the ARIN Public Policy 
Mailing List.   The ARIN AC works diligently with submitters to make sure that 
their proposals are clear and adopted as Draft Policies, and this occurs even 
when the assigned AC members don’t necessarily support the merits of the 
particular proposal.   The strength of the ARIN PDP process is that nearly 
anyone can submit an idea for changes to our number resource policy (even with 
no knowledge of ARIN's policy development process) and the ARIN AC becomes 
their advocate in getting a clear draft policy put before the community for 
discussion.   We have had policy proposals made by several segments of the 
Internet community that are not deeply involved in the RIR system or the 
network operator community, but have insight into specific problems in number 
resource policy that they were able to get addressed. 

There is an exception to this process, i.e. a case where the ARIN AC doesn’t 
work on a policy proposal, and it occurs with proposals which lie outside the 
scope of number resource policy.  The ARIN AC does make an initial 
determination of whether the policy proposal is within scope – the reason for 
such an evaluation is to make sure that the community doesn’t spend its time 
working on proposals which aren’t germane to how ARIN administers number 
resources, and I will note the overwhelming majority of policy proposals meet 
this criteria with ease.  Additionally, ARIN’s Policy Development Process 
contains many “checks and balances” to provide for the development of fair and 
impartial policy, and as you are aware, in the case of a policy proposal out of 
scope, there is a petition with a very low threshold (10 supporters) to provide 
for referral to ARIN’s Board of Trustees for review and final determination.  
Having the Board of Trustees handle such determinations makes perfect sense, as 
they are ultimately responsible for determining the scope of ARIN’s mission. 

I understand that your policy proposal has been deemed out of scope, but I’d 
like to point of that such events are a very rare occurrence, and do not 
reflect the circumstances that the vast majority of submitters face when 
working with the ARIN AC and the ARIN Policy Development Process.   You might 
not see the merits of the ARIN Advisory Council administration of ARIN’s policy 
development process, but their efforts are almost universally in support of 
those submitting policy proposals, and the effectiveness of their advocacy 
demonstrated by the long line of clear, technically sound and useful policy 
changes in the ARIN region. 


John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers

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