On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 12:24 PM John Curran <jcur...@arin.net> wrote:

> > Nothing in the publicly vetted policies demanded that you attach
> organizations to the purpose-based allocations
> You’ve suggested that this network was some special “purpose-based”
> allocation, but failed to point to any actual policy guidance that
> distinguishes it in that manner.


As admitted at https://www.ampr.org/amprnet/, Hank Magnuski and Jon Postel
thought it was a swell idea and simply did it. If you have a different
interpretation of that history, one that involves Hank Magnuski and his
successors having some kind of ownership of the block independent of its
purpose, I'd love to hear it.

As I recall, you were specifically asked to provide such an interpretation
earlier in this thread but explained that ARIN doesn't comment on
individual assignments.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin

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