On Monday, 7 October, 2019 08:55, Rich Kulawiec <r...@gsp.org> wrote:

>On Mon, Oct 07, 2019 at 04:42:11PM +0200, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:

>> Otherwise, an impressive amount of WTF. My favorite: "while
>> communication by servers ___on the ground___ might take hundreds of
>> milliseconds, in the cloud the same operation may take only one
>> millisecond from one machine to another"

>My favorite: "The researchers expect their cloud-based system will be
>more secure than the Internet is today [...]"  Apparently they're
>unaware that there is no such thing as "cloud security".

I would be interested to know how one connects to their "cloud"?  Do I
need an "Evaporation Adapter" for my computer to send to their cloud?
And do I need a "Rain Collector" to receive from it?  I suppose I also
need the computer to be outside exposed to the elements -- putting it
under a brolly would interfere with incoming rain from the cloud ...
Plus I suppose it would not work very well at all in the desert, but
downloading would be very high bandwidth in the rainforest (or during
monsoon season).


The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven
says a lot about anticipated traffic volume.

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