On 21/10/19 6:30 pm, Bjørn Mork wrote:
> Christopher Morrow <morrowc.li...@gmail.com> writes:
>> isn't julien's idea more akin to DOT then DOH ?
> Yes, and I really like Julien's proposal.  It even looks pretty
> complete.  There are just a few details missing around how to make the
> MD5 => TLS transition smooth.

At least for those systems that run on Linux (which is most all of the
major's except Juniper) I suspect if we went to the relevant kernel folk
with a clear plan on how handling TCP-MD5 in a way that would make
transitions much easier they'd listen.

The troll response at the top of my post was actually based on a
response from one of the kernel folk, who dislike TCP options even more
than network operators.

> Sorry for any confusion caused by an attempt to make a joke on DoH.  I
> didn't anticipate the sudden turn to serious discussion :-)  Which
> obviously was a good one.  I am all for BGP over TLS, so let's discuss
> https://laptop006.livejournal.com/60532.html

If anyone is at all interested in this I'm happy to discuss and flesh
out anything that's not clear. After I wrote this (over a few bottles of
red on the flight to linux.conf.au this year) I sent it to a bunch of
people that had expressed interest, including a few BGP implementations,
but nobody bit.

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