On 4/30/20 11:38 AM, Aaron C. de Bruyn via NANOG wrote:
Why isn't there a well-known anycast ping address similar to CloudFlare/Google/Level 3 DNS, or sorta like the NTP project? Get someone to carve out some well-known IP and allow every ISP on the planet to add that IP to a router or BSD box somewhere on their network?  Allow product manufacturers to test connectivity by sending pings to it.  It would survive IoT manufacturers going out of business. Maybe even a second well-known IP that is just a very small webserver that responds with {'status': 'ok'} for testing if there's HTTP/HTTPS connectivity.

Maybe run a "ping prisoner.iana.org" on ATLAS and see how universal it responds? It's possible some of the operators may block ICMP (I don't).

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