> On Dec 5, 2021, at 4:24 AM, Rubens Kuhl <rube...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 5, 2021 at 12:00 AM Owen DeLong via NANOG <nanog@nanog.org> wrote:
>> I would be more than happy to consilolidate my ipv6 addresses under my lrsa, 
>> but ARIN will not allow it.
> And they are right in doing so. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
> Rubens

I actually agree… I’d much prefer that they solve the double-billing problem 
without forcing different agreements into different orgs rather than 
consolidate under LRSA.

However, my point is that I’m open to any solution that allows me to preserve 
the fee increase protections for my IPv4 resources, yet get rid of the 

The double billing (had it been present at the time) would have prevented me 
from signing the LRSA for my IPv4 resources. IIRC, it was a year or two later 
when ARIN changed the fee structure to force the double billing issue. 
Unfortunately, the LRSA lacks a material adverse change clause allowing me to 
terminate without losing my resources, so for years now, I’ve been paying 
nearly triple what I signed up for not because of fee increases, but because of 
a change in the fee structure which altered the nature of ARIN billing.

I’m not trying to have my cake and eat it too… I’m trying to get restored to 
billing on terms similar to every other ARIN resource holder, with the 
exception that I’d like to preserve the fee increase protections in my LRSA for 
determining the price paid each year for my IPv4 resources.


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