Hello Randy ,

On Mon, 6 Dec 2021, Randy Bush wrote:
You could transfer the resources to RIPE... :-)

been there.  done that.  2016.

"A Happy Story of Inter-RIR Transfer of Legacy Blocks from ARIN to RIPE"

In your slides above you mentioned '... just pay ...' , Most of the RIR's webpages (at least to me) are a warren of forward and backward references . Could you or any kind soul post a url that diffinatively defines the fee structure for services provided for Ripe members ?


                Tia ,  JimL

| James   W.   Laferriere    | System    Techniques | Give me VMS     |
| Network & System Engineer  | 3237     Holden Road |  Give me Linux  |
| j...@system-techniques.com | Fairbanks, AK. 99709 |   only  on  AXP |

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