On Sat, 18 May 2024 at 01:07, William Herrin <b...@herrin.us> wrote:

> I don't understand why Cogent is allowed to operate one of the root
> servers. Doesn't ICANN do any kind of technical background check on
> companies when letting the contract?
> For those who haven't been around long enough, this isn't Cogent's
> first depeering argument. Nor their second. And they're behaving
> unreasonably. I don't know any of the details -this time- but
> historically speaking Cogent is behaving badly -again- and you can
> take that to the bank.

This seems awfully simplistic, 'Cogent at 100% fault, in each case'.
It doesn't match my understanding, and therein lies the problem. In my
understanding of the issues, in a few of them, I would rate 100% fault
at the other side.

What are we asking in terms of your proposed policy change of allowing
host a root DNS? You must peer with everyone and anyone, at any terms?
I think we would struggle to form policy to capture the problem in a
fair and equitable manner.

As long as our toolbox only has a capitalist hammer, peering disputes
are going to be a thing. Cogent has outlived many of its peering
dispute history partners. They are the grandfather of disruptive
transit pricing, which many others have struggled to meet profitably,
and I believe they are a big reason for current transit pricing being
as low as it is in the US and EU.


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