On 11/22/2010 10:25 AM, Joe Abley wrote:

You don't think

"(i) a service provider, as that term is defined in section 512(k)(1) of title 17, 
United States Code, or other operator of a domain name system server shall take 
reasonable steps that will prevent a domain name from resolving to that domain name’s 
Internet protocol address;"

could be taken as a requirement for providers to intercept attempts to use 
off-network DNS resolvers and manage such requests to meet the end goal above?

Given that many providers already do this (for whatever reason), it's not much of a 
stretch to see someone declaring that such behaviour falls under the umbrella of 
"reasonable steps".

I'm not suggesting that I think any of this is reasonable or sensible, but it 
does seem to imply an operational burden on service providers.

And where would the list that we need to block be gotten from?


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