On 6 Jun 2011, at 15:30, Jason Fesler wrote:
>> I would have expected the green+azure areas in those graphs to have 
>> increased in the past half year but counter-intutitively, it appears that 
>> IPv4 only usage is increasing.
> You're assuming there's significant rollout of IPv6.  Everything I've seen so 
> far says that *starts* nowish, and more laterish this year, in any impacting 
> way.  Really, we're just just before the start of getting end user adoption 
> to start rising.

For our web presence, which has been dual-stack since 2004, we saw external 
IPv6 traffic rise 0.1% per year to 2010, when it 'leapt' to 1.0% and in 2011 so 
far the highest we've seen over any month is 1.8%, so it doubled in 2010 and is 
set to more than double in 2011.  OK, so 2% is still small, but from tiny 

SMTP is still well under 1% though.


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