> Even if you don't see an advantage to GUA, can you point to a
> disadvantage?

Just a matter of convenience.  If you have a lot of management IPs or some 
other IP addresses that are never going to need internet access (an array of 
10,000 sensors or something) you don't need to dip into your global allocation 
to address them.  If it is routed within the organization but never goes to the 
Internet, ULA is ok.  If it doesn't get routed at all, link local will do fine. 
  It's good to keep in mind that more things than computers with web browsers 
are going to get an IP address.

> IMHO, it would be far less wasteful of addressing overall to deprecate
> fc00::/7 and use unique secondary GUA prefixes for this purpose than to
> use ULA.

Possibly so.  I do, however, see some utility in having a block of addresses 
that can't be reliably routed over the Internet.  Heck, for traffic that might 
get routed within a site between local networks but not routed off the site 
(even within the organization's network between sites), there's some utility of 
having each site use the same subnet.  That would ensure that traffic destined 
for that address range doesn't leave the site regardless of any configuration 
errors someone might make in filtration.  

> If you can't point to some specific advantage of ULA over secondary
> non-routed GUA prefixes, then, ULA doesn't have a reason to live.

The only advantage is using an address range that can't be reliably routed over 
the Internet and that is important in the minds of some.  GUA addresses can be 
reliably routed, that's their purpose.  While there is a possibility ULA could 
possibly be routed over the internet, the cascade of mistakes that it would 
take for that to happen makes it unlikely.  I don't accept ULA routes at my 
peering/transit routers and I would imagine most other networks are configured 
the same.  In addition, I have the entire block of space static routed to null0 
so even if I do get traffic for it (in either direction, in or out), it just 
goes into the hole.  

> I'm not sure where DNS64/NAT64 comes into play here for v6 to v6
> communication. 

No, I wasn't intending that for v6 to v6.  Let's say you have some devices that 
you want to give ULA but they *will* need Internet access infrequently for 
something such as software updates or statistics reporting or something.  You 
could arrange to do that using NAT64/DNS64 to a v4 destination.  Again, I am 
not advocating configuring such a thing, it's just a thought experiment where 
I'm trying to anticipate what some "clever" network might do at some point and 
the sorts of issues we might run into.

For example, there are a lot of places that have policies that mandate certain 
systems may not use public address space.  Those policies were developed by 
corporate bureaucrats, not engineers.  The engineers don't make policy but are 
tasked to implement policy and there are probably many creative ways in which 
those policy goals will be met.

If they use v6 ULA but infrequently need to reach someone offsite, they might 
be tempted to use NAT64 to reach it.  It isn't so much about providing 
"security" as it is providing barriers to making unwanted traffic easy to 
route.  If you pick an address range that isn't routable in a predictable 
fashion, it just adds another barrier of entry.  It is like living in a town 
named "One Way Street".  People see signs pointing toward it all over the place 
but following them leads you no closer to your destination.  If you use GUA, 
one mistake could make something very reliably reachable by the entire world.  
That scares some people.  The consensus should be that the contingency plan be, 
as someone else mentioned, "don't make mistakes".  Well, people make em all the 
time.   I would rather get a call from a peer complaining about receiving a ULA 
route than learning that someone accidently opened up an important internal FTP 
site to the world.

Let me turn it around.  What advantage does GUA give you for a subnet that is 
never going to communicate outside the organization?  Configuring LUA is no 
more or less difficult than GUA.  

> For IPv4, I don't see any advantage in ULA+NAT64 vs. the
> more reliable and easier RFC-1918 with NAT44 possibilities, even if you
> have to run multiple RFC-1918 domains to get enough addresses, that
> will generally be less complicated and break fewer things than a NAT64
> implementation.

Agreed.  For v4 to v4 that will likely be the case for years.

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