Careful though cause the crayons must be crayola approved

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On 2012-11-14, at 5:28 PM, "joel jaeggli" <> wrote:

> On 11/14/12 2:40 PM, Joe Abley wrote:
>> On 2012-11-12, at 14:43, Jim Mercer <> wrote:
>>> Is there a common practice of providers to vet / validate requests to 
>>> advertise
>>> blocks?
>> Yes, most providers whose customers request a particular route to be pointed 
>> towards them will ask for ambiguous instructions, written on letterhead with 
>> crayon, and signed illegibly by someone who may or may not have authority to 
>> do so but who in any case cannot be identified clearly by their scrawl.
> Some providers ask for route objects and appropriate import/export 
> policy in RADB. that fandamently no higher quality an attestation than a 
> LOA but it's a lot easier to read.
>> Ideally the letterhead should be crudely constructed in photoshop and then 
>> faxed across a noisy analogue line.
>> Once you have one of those babies in your file, no lawyer can touch you.
>> Joe

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