Jeez, isn't RPKI supposed to solve this problem?

On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 10:36 AM, Schiller, Heather A
<> wrote:
> "..for some blocks I've taken over admin for."
>   Make sure you are visibly listed as a Point of Contact on those records in 
> the appropriate RIR, so that folks who get your request can verify you.  Even 
> better, register in your RIR's RPKI program and generate a ROA for it.  Info 
> about ARIN's here:
>  Then yes, notify their upstreams/peers if needed and post here if things get 
> really desperate - have your records in order first.
>  --Heather
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Mercer []
> Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 2:44 PM
> To:
> Subject: "authority" to route?
> Hi,
> Is there a common practice of providers to vet / validate requests to 
> advertise blocks?
> Who is the "authority" when it comes to determining if a request for routing 
> is valid?
> Is it the WHOIS data maintained by the various RIR?
> It seems I'm playing whack-a-mole to get some routes shut down for some 
> blocks I've taken over admin for.
> If I email the contacts for the AS in WHOIS, and get no response, or a 
> negative response, should I start going to their peers?
> Some practical advice would be appreciated.
> --
> Jim Mercer     Reptilian Research    +1 416 410-5633
> "He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless dead"

Kyle Creyts

Information Assurance Professional
BSidesDetroit Organizer

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