Said the Network Engineer of The City of San Francisco..

Sent from my Mobile Device.

-------- Original message --------
From: Jon Lewis <>
Date: 07/26/2013 6:17 PM (GMT-08:00)
To: Larry Stites <>
Cc: NANOG list <>
Subject: Re: ARIN WHOIS for leads

On Fri, 26 Jul 2013, Larry Stites wrote:

> NANOG : network operators are precisely those who directly assisted in
> creating the 'magic lamp' and the cork which held the marketing Jeanie
> inside. The same operators who took the cork out and rubbed the 'magic
> lamp'... The Jeanie is now out of the bottle and you all are complaining
> about it, all the while creating new magic, more lamps and more
> Jeanie's... Go figure. NANOG complaining about being harassed by the
> marketing technologies it has created...

We're also the people at the controls, and the people holding the wire
cutters (physical and virtual), so we're not a good demographic to piss

  Jon Lewis, MCP :)           |  I route
                              |  therefore you are
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