On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 04:30:05PM -0400, A MEKKAOUI wrote:
> Your right. Actually, Bell knows that home does not need that much
> BW, Bell size their network for much less than that. However, from a
> marketing perspective, when Bell says to a client I am offering you
> 1G at $100 and competition are offering you 30M at $60, some clients
> likes that because they ignore that 1G will not make a difference
> compared to 30M.
> Also Bell is currently using ADSL technology to provide internet
> service which is a dead technology. So, Bell has no choice but to move
> to fiber if they want to stay on the market.

When I'm downloading an ISO or USB bootable image of, say, FreeBSD 10.x, that
speed difference makes a difference to me. I grant that I'm not Joe Typical by
any means, but the number of people who aren't Joe Typical isn't zero -- not
by a good bit. 

Mike Andrews, W5EGO
Tired old sysadmin 

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