On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 04:01:38PM -0500, Mike Hammett wrote:
> Some of those are why would one EVER need more than X, while others are why
> would one NOW need more than X. Big difference. Simple fact that there is
> no residential application that needs more than even 50 megabit much less
> 10,000 megabit.

Define "need". On the average, I probably don't need more than 56 KBaud,
integrated over all the years I've been linked to the 'Net from home. Would I
be willing to put up with it? Hell, no! Would I be willing to put up with 10
Gig to the house for what I'm paying now? Emphatically yes.

Ditto 1 Gig. What I'm getting isn't more than 10 megabit down and 2.5 up, so a
fatter pipe would be very welcome. At the same price, or even another $50/month.

But I don't need it in the sense that I'll lose money or customers if I don't
have it.

Mike Andrews, W5EGO
Tired old sysadmin 

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