Search this email thread (there was a link to a document dump), or use google. 
Neither Netflix nor the content providers have been very shy about this. Now 
for the speculation part … I think it’s possible that Netflix has gone along 
with this because they want to expand into countries that have restrictive 
policies (china, etc..) and will need to have system to either block or limit 
capabilities based on the geo-ip for other reasons. Just a hunch.

> On Jun 6, 2016, at 7:32 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
> While I think this may well be the reason for Netflix’s actions, do you have 
> any evidence to back up this claim?
> Actual evidence vs. just a very good educated guess and speculation could 
> prove very useful in this circumstance.
> Owen
>> On Jun 6, 2016, at 7:59 AM, Matthew Huff <> wrote:
>> Netflix IS acting in their user's best interest. In order to provide content 
>> that the user's want, the content providers have mandated that they do their 
>> due diligence to block out of region users including VPN and open tunnel 
>> access. As Hulu and Amazon prime become more popular and their contracts 
>> with the content provides come due, they will have to also.
>> You can argue about the content provides business model all you want, but 
>> Netflix has to do what they are doing. They aren't blocking IPv6 users, they 
>> are blocking users that are using VPNs and/or tunnels since their currently 
>> is no practical way of providing GEOIP information about that users that the 
>> content providers require.
>> ----
>> Matthew Huff             | 1 Manhattanville Rd
>> Director of Operations   | Purchase, NY 10577
>> OTA Management LLC       | Phone: 914-460-4039
>> aim: matthewbhuff        | Fax:   914-694-5669
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Scott Morizot
>>> Sent: Monday, June 6, 2016 10:50 AM
>>> To: Mark Tinka <>
>>> Cc: NANOG list <>
>>> Subject: Re: Netflix VPN detection - actual engineer needed
>>> I have Hulu Plus and Amazon Prime. The only thing I would miss from
>>> Netflix
>>> is their Marvel original series. And I can live with that. I can't live
>>> without my IPv6 enabled home network and Internet connection since
>>> that's
>>> an essential part of my job. (I'm the IPv6 transition technical lead
>>> for a
>>> large organization.) While I actually manage my home internet gateway
>>> through a linux server and have fine-grained control over the firewall
>>> rules, I'm still debating whether I care enough about a handful of
>>> series
>>> to continue paying a company that is deliberately acting against its
>>> users'
>>> interests. Right now I'm leaning toward no. But I'll discuss it with my
>>> wife before making a final decision.
>>> Scott
>>> On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 8:03 AM, Mark Tinka <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 6/Jun/16 01:45, Damian Menscher wrote:
>>>>> Who are these non-technical Netflix users who accidentally stumbled
>>> into
>>>>> having a HE tunnel broker connection without their knowledge?  I
>>> wasn't
>>>>> aware this sort of thing could happen without user consent, and
>>> would
>>>> like
>>>>> to know if I'm wrong.  Only thing I can imagine is if ISPs are
>>> using HE
>>>> as
>>>>> a form of CGN.
>>>> There are several networks around the world that rely on 6-in-4
>>> because
>>>> their local provider does not offer IPv6.
>>>> Mark.

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