
On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 12:48 PM, Michael Still <stillwa...@gmail.com>

> Hi, a few years back some in the community got together to write this:
> On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 10:11 AM, Matthew Crocker <
> matt...@corp.crocker.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I’m AS7849 and I have an IP problem.
>> I’m running IPv4 ( /16 legacy + /20) and have enough space to last me
>> for  a while,  multi-homed, BGP4 full tables + peering, ect.
>> I have some new shiny Juniper MX480s (RE-S-2X00x6, 64MB RAM) in my core.
>> I want to start building my IPv6 infrastructure.
>> I have a /32 assigned from ARIN (2001:4918::/32)
>> I’m looking for some direction/reading list of how to properly configure
>> IPv6.  I’ve read to use a /64 for PtP interfaces and I’ve read use a /128
>> instead.    Assign all loopbacks from the same /64, use a different /64 for
>> each loopback. Ect, ect.
>> I’m trying not to light a religious war but what is the current best
>> practice for IPv6 deployment in a service provider network?
>> PS.  I’ll be at NANOG69 in DC next month,  1st NANOG for me after 22
>> years.  ☺
>> -Matt
>> --
>> Matthew Crocker
>> Crocker Communications, Inc.
>> President
> --
> [stillwa...@gmail.com ~]$ cat .signature
> cat: .signature: No such file or directory
> [stillwa...@gmail.com ~]$

[stillwa...@gmail.com ~]$ cat .signature
cat: .signature: No such file or directory
[stillwa...@gmail.com ~]$

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