Just a note- there was recently a submission that added a webmap
URL<->filesystem mapping for the solution task.  This allows the
<solution> task to handle URL mappings by doing a simple URL pattern
lookup.  Would this handle your situation? 

On Fri, 2003-08-01 at 15:00, J. Jason De Lorme wrote:
> On the list of the many annoying nuances of Visual Studio is how it adds web
> projects to the .sln file.  For instance if I were to create a project of
> type 'ASP.Net Web Application'; VS.net (2002/2003) will add among other
> things this entry to the solution file (MyApp.sln):
> Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Web",
> "http://localhost/Web.csproj";, "{61E62FEB-04CA-4AB7-B833-930F18E9A6FE}"
> The problem here is that when you go to build this project using the
> <solution> task, the only way NAnt can find the files is through the fully
> quallified Url reference and as such uses the WebDAV protocol to pull each
> project file down through HTTP.  This poses a problem to most developers who
> run Windows 2003 or even Win2k as WebDAV is generally closed up for security
> reasons.  Additionally if it is grabbing these files through IIS with the
> .Net Framework installed, most of the files such as *.cs have the
> HttpForbiddenHandler associated in the machine.config file preventing them
> from being downloaded.
> The quick work-around is to update your sln by hand in a text editor,
> changing the "UniqueName" portion of the entry to have a relative path,
> i.e.:
> Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Web", "Web\Web.csproj",
> "{61E62FEB-04CA-4AB7-B833-930F18E9A6FE}"
> Visual Studio is happy with this arrangement until such time as you need to
> modify the VS.Net Solution.  If you only work with in the projects in the
> solution (add/remove/update), it's not updated.  But if you add a New
> Project, or update anything at the Solution level, VS will update the .sln
> and *correct* this back to the web reference.
> I've extended the SolutionTask class to add an attribute:
> [TaskAttribute("updatewebreferences", Required=false)]
> ...and created a new class that will take the current solution file and
> update any projects with a UniqueName that are referenced through http(s) to
> be a relative path.  So your solution task will look like this:
>  <target name="build">
>   <solution
>    configuration="${config}"
>    solutionfile="MyApp.sln"
>    verbose="${verbose}"
>    updatewebreferences="true"
>    />
>  </target>
> In doing this, it will first take the name of the project file, append a
> .webinfo - navigate through all subdirectories of the Project.BaseDirectory,
> open all matching .webinfo's and check to see if they contain that
> UniqueName in the UrlPath attribute.  This will indicate the correct
> location of the .xxproj file.  We take that location in relative terms and
> update the sln.
> *QUESTION* I've followed the code guidelines on the site, but how do I
> actually get this code into SourceForge as an alpha / beta for people to
> ridicule, rip-apart, poke holes and flame me on ;-)? I wouldn't want it in
> the actual NAnt bits until many people had used in environments different
> than my own.
> I did some searching on SourceForge for documentation on how to do this, but
> inevitably it took me in circles :-(...
> Thank you for your help.
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