I apologize in advance if I'm posting a question that has recently been answered.  Many posts as of late have gone many miles over my head...
Developers in my shop recently got sick of reference problems and began using project references (while I was in a meeting Friday afternoon).  This is good from a VS.NET standpoint because the projects are no longer machine dependant.  However, it crushed my .build file using the <solution> task because it puts some sort of registry entry into the .csproj file instead of hintpath:
                    Project = "{04586948-73A6-405E-A657-447805201530}"
                    Package = "{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}"
This seems to be a topic of late but I haven't grasped exactly what has transpired with the solution task.  Could someone toss some layman verbiage out my way?

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