Gert Driesen wrote:


I can also guarantee 100% that VS.NET (2003) is only using the hintpath as a
last resort ;)

The actual order is :

1. the project directory (at least this is what MS says, but I doubt this)
2. The ReferencesPath (as stored in the user options file, eg.
3. The .NET Framework directory
4. The AssemblyFolder (even if the AssemblyFolderKey is not specified on the
reference itself)
5. The HintPath

Please send me a repro to convince me otherwise, but make sure you first
check if you don't have entries in the ReferencesPath attribute in the .user
file :)

Oh - you're right, I had a bunch of reference paths in the project's .user file. I deleted my .user file and ended up with the same behaviour. Looks like VS.NET is ignoring the HintPath in this case and just using the AssemblyFolder version of the .DLL.

So anyways, I finally understand that you are correct - VS.NET does check AssemblyFolders before HintPath. IMHO this is a strange way to do things. VS.NET doesn't make it easy to easily reproduce a build between two machines, does it?

Unfortunately, I need to build on a clean system that doesn't have any csproj.user files. Perhaps I'll just delete the AssemblyFolders key from the registry on the build machine.

Sorry for doubting. ;)


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