>From: "Gert Driesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 2:37 AM

I'm sorry I didn't get to this sooner, as I come down on the
hate side of hierarchical menus that Troy mentioned, at least
for home pages.

The problem is that hierarchical menus encourage large menus
with many entries.  And that makes things harder to find and
less accessible, not easier.  For comparison, take a look at
the Cruise Control page at 
http://cruisecontrol.sourceforge.net/index.html .  This has 
between 11 and 15 items, depending on which ones are
expanded.  On the other hand the last proposed NAnt
page has, if I counted correctly, about 70 items when 
fully expanded.

The other advantage of the Cruise Control site is that the
selection items are nice, large buttons - which makes it much
easier for people who either have wrist pain for whatever
reason or mice that are acting up.

This doesn't necessarily mean getting rid of the idea of a
hierarchical layout on the home page, but I do think it
needs to be much, much simpler.  My basic design 
philosophy is that home pages need to be targetted to
the people who never or rarely come to the site.
Experienced, frequent visitors will bookmark the 
pages of interest (which effectively allows them to create
a customized hierachical menu) or figure out the fastest 
navigation paths.  

So may I suggest putting yourself in the place of the new
user, and try to optimize the page for that person.  Create
a separate, sub-home page for contributors, and
just have one link to it from the home page.  Remove 
everything else that's only of interest to contributors.  Move
the link to the introduction to be the first thing under
the documentation heading, not buried under User 
Manual.  Combine the Releases and Nightly Build
sections under one heading, called Downloads (because
that's the jargon most commonly used, and hence
the one that people expect to see).  

But besides all that, I think the single best thing that could be
done is to put a direct link to Tasks, Targets, Expressions,
Functions, etc. on each and every page of the online manual
(not the entire web site).  The idea is that whenever you're
looking at a specific task, it should be one click to get to the 
function index, expression page, etc. and vice versa.

Just my two cents, wholesale, for what it's worth.


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