It seems I cannot add attachment on SF tracker. Silly.


> Category: Core
> Group: 0.85
> Status: Open
> Resolution: None
> Priority: 5
> Submitted By: Hinrichs (thinrichs)
> Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
> Summary: Fileset fails when nested in an if block. - 0.85 RC2
> Initial Comment:
> I am running into an error which states "Unknown task 
> <fileset>"  when I try to nest a fileset in an if block.  Of 
> course, fileset isnt a task.  It's a type, according to the 
> NAnt documentation.
> The following code fails (this is not my actual code that is 
> failing, but does characterize the bug)
> <fileset id="Files">
>       <include name="**">
> </fileset>
> <if test="{case=='SpecialCase'}>
>     <fileset id="Files">
>           <include name="**"/>
>           <exclude name="/specialCase/example.txt">
>      </fileset>
> </if>
> code such as that above works fine, until case equals 
> 'SpecialCase'.  Interestingly the following also fails (but 
> fails right away).
> It still fails on the line in the commented out if block.
> <fileset id="Files">
>       <include name="**">
> </fileset>
> <! -- <if test="{case=='SpecialCase'}> -->
>     <fileset id="Files">
>           <include name="**"/>
>           <exclude name="/specialCase/example.txt">
>      </fileset>
> <!-- </if> -->
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Comment By: Martin Aliger (maliger)
> Date: 2005-06-13 17:55
> Message:
> Logged In: YES
> user_id=655297
> its by design in current sources. I just completed patch to 
> allow type definitions in nested blocks. Your second example 
> is valid though and it works for me (after correcting xml 
> inline elements). Could you check it again and if still wrong 
> explain it further?

Attachment: TaskContainer.patch
Description: Binary data

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