
try to run some email program on that machine. Outlook Express for example.
You need to configure CDO before you're able to send anything. Fresh
installs often don't have it configured properly.

See also:
http://ccnet.thoughtworks.net/display/CCNET/Email+Publisher (Troubleshooting

Martin Aliger

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
> Behalf Of Flex
> Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 11:37 AM
> To: nant-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [nant-dev] MailLogger task failing...
> Hi guys, I have posted this in the users list but no single 
> message for
> 2 days so I decided to post here too.
> I'm trying to let nant send an email upon build complete, but 
> getting this error message:
> [MailLogger] E-mail could not be sent!
> System.Web.HttpException: Could not create an object of type 
> 'CDO.Message'. Please verify that the current platform 
> configuration supports SMTP mail.
> at System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail.LateBoundAccessHelper.get_LateBoundType()
> at System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail.CdoSysHelper.Send(MailMessage 
> message) at System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail.Send(MailMessage 
> message) at NAnt.Core.MailLogger.BuildFinished(Object sender, 
> BuildEventArgs
> e) in d:\
> Source\nant-20060525T074447Z\src\NAnt.Core\Log.cs:line 905
> Nant failes to even try to connect, the firewall does not 
> detects it at all so I guess the problem lies somewhere 
> before that part. I have tried with 0.85 RC4 and the current 
> nighty with the same result. The output above comes from the nighty.
> The code I use, almost the same as the sample:
> <property name="MailLogger.mailhost" value="" /> 
> <property name="MailLogger.from" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" /> 
> <property name="MailLogger.failure.notify" value="true" /> 
> <property name="MailLogger.success.notify" value="true" /> 
> <property name="MailLogger.failure.to" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
> /> <property name="MailLogger.success.to" 
> value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" /> <property 
> name="MailLogger.failure.subject" value="Nightly build 
> failure !" /> <property name="MailLogger.success.subject" 
> value="Nightly build successful" /> <property 
> name="MailLogger.failure.attachments"
> value="MailLogger.failure.files" />
> <property name="MailLogger.success.attachments"
> value="MailLogger.success.files" />
> <!-- set of files to attach when build fails --> <fileset 
> id="MailLogger.failure.files"> <include name="dump.log" /> 
> <include name="trace.txt" /> </fileset>
> <!-- set of files to attach when build is successful --> 
> <fileset id="MailLogger.success.files"> <include 
> name="trace.txt" /> </fileset>
> Apparently not only the logger fails to send the message, but 
> the mail task too, with:
> Error sending mail:
> Error enountered while sending mail message.
> Make sure that mailhost=mbox.datecs.bg is valid
> Could not create an object of type 'CDO.Message'. Please 
> verify that the cu rrent platform configuration supports SMTP mail.
> Any ideas, what it depends on?
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