And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Date:         Tue, 15 Dec 1998 01:40:45 EST
>From:         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Subject:      [FN] Fwd: Ex-Mexico Officials Face Punishment
>To:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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>Subject: Ex-Mexico Officials Face Punishment
>Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 23:46:28 EST
>Ex-Mexico Officials Face Punishment
>.c The Associated Press
>SAN CRISTOBAL DE LAS CASAS, Mexico (AP) -- Eleven former Chiapas state
>officials were barred from holding public office for between six and 10 years
>Monday as punishment for failing to have prevented the massacre of 45 Indian
>In addition to the sanctions, handed down by the state Comptroller's Office,
>some of the former officials may still face criminal investigation for
>allowing the Dec. 22, 1997 killings -- known as the Acteal Massacre -- to
>State Comptroller Jorge Santiago Zenteno said the punishments, which cited
>ex-officials for dereliction of duty, fulfilled a recommendation by the
>government's National Human Rights Commission that those responsible for the
>killings be punished.
>However, critics note that most of those jailed for the massacre -- which
>targeted villagers who belonged to a group that sympathizes with leftist
>Zapatista rebels -- are themselves poor Indians, and that no high-ranking
>state officials have been charged.
>Any criminal investigations would be carried out by federal, not state,
>The highest-ranking officials sanctioned -- the former state public safety
>director and state attorney general -- were barred from holding public office
>for 10 and eight years, respectively.
>The state Interior Secretary and his assistant were barred for six years, and
>four other police and prosecutors were barred for eight years. Three police
>officers were banned from government jobs for six years.
>Meanwhile, the Zapatista rebels denied they were responsible for a Chiapas
>shooting attack Sunday which killed an 11-year-old boy.
>State prosecutors had said the assailants who attacked the truck in which the
>boy was traveling wore uniforms similar to those used by the Zapatistas.
>``On the eve of the Acteal massacre, the government wants to distract public
>opinion and accuses the victims, instead of the executioners,'' the rebels'
>leadership said in a statement.
>The Zapatistas staged a brief armed uprising in Chiapas in January 1994,
>demanding greater democracy and Indian rights. Peace talks between the
>government and the rebels have been stalled since 1996.
>AP-NY-12-14-98 2345EST
> Copyright 1998 The Associated Press.  The information  contained in the AP
>news report may not be published,  broadcast, rewritten or otherwise
>distributed without  prior written authority of The Associated Press.
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