And now:Sonja Keohane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

        The article has this quote, and I see no direct quote from the
Crow, which makes my jaded mind think that what is "good news for the
people of Montana" might not be good news for Indian people:

 " Both Democratic and Republican leaders touted the session as a success,
one in which they quickly accomplished what they were sent there to do.
"It's good news for the people of Montana because these complex issues have
been unresolved for many years,"..."


Compact is water under the bridge
Legislature finishes special session on approval of tribal-state water deal

Gazette State Bureau
HELENA - The special session of the 1999 Legislature wrapped up its work
Wednesday and approved a controversial agreement between the state and Crow
Tribe settling disputes over water uses and coal taxes that plagued both
parties for years.
---end of excerpt----

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