Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak píše v Po 02. 06. 2008 v 20:21 +0200:

> Sounds like a bug...
> Nautilus is supposed to check the file mtime and delay thumbnailing if 
> the mtime is within the last 3 seconds (THUMBNAIL_CREATION_DELAY_SECS).
> It should also notice if the file mtime has changed, and re-thumbnail in 
> that case.
> Does gThumb 2.10.8 properly thumbnail your images if you have gthumb 
> open viewing that folder while the file is changing?

When I let both nautilus and gthumb 2.10.8 show the same folder, I can
see that gthumb starts thumbnailing as soon as data are being written to
the file. Nautilus is a bit late - it starts showing non zero filesize
not util gthumb has already finished thumbnailing, but then at last
nautilus itself starts re-thumbnailing the watched file (sorry for my
lame English).

When I close gthumb and leave only nautilus open, file gets only generic
icon, not thumbnail.

To check for mtime I issued 'watch -n 1 ls -l --full-time', I can see
mtime progressively changing when data is being written.


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