Dear Stephen,

Thank you very much for your message.

Stephen Deasey wrote:
> You're using cvs HEAD, right?  (Last change was 8 days ago).

Yes, I'm using CVS HEAD.

I have to head out of the office/town for the next few hours but I plan
to work on it again when I'm back. I'll post a reply to your message, in
detail, this evening.

Thanks again.

Best wishes,

> But you're using nsd/init.tcl from 4.99.1?  There's been quite a few
> changes here. I don't think the current version forces you to use
> nstrace. But if there are specific problems with the way
> initialisation is happening, let us know.
> The current version, for example, calls ns_set cleanup as an interp
> trace. It should never be necessary to call this yourself.
> % join [ns_ictl gettraces deallocate] \n
> ns:tcltrace ns_cleanup
> nsdb:releasehandles a:(nil)
> nsproxy:cleanup a:(nil)
> ns_cleanup looks like this:
> proc ns_cleanup {} {
>     ns_cleanupchans;  # Close files
>     ns_cleanupvars;   # Destroy global variables
>     ns_set  cleanup;  # Destroy non-shared sets
>     ns_http cleanup;  # Abort any http requests
>     ns_ictl cleanup;  # Run depreciated 1-shot Ns_TclRegisterDefer's.
> }
> 'deallocate' traces get run when some C code is finished running some
> Tcl code in an interp. Interps are cached per-thread.  So we can see
> from above that set's are per-interp and the interp is cleaned after
> each request.
> More here:
> Anyway, regardless of all that it still shouldn't crash :-)
> This works for me (no xotcl):
> $ ./config --prefix=/tmp/ns --enable-symbols --with-tcl=...
> $ make install
> $ make gdbruntest
> % ns_eval {{proc ::defaultRequestHandler {args} {
>     ns_return 200 text/plain yo
>     ns_set cleanup
>     return
> }}}
> % ns_register_proc GET /* ::defaultRequestHandler
> % time {nstest_http -getbody 1 GET /} 1000
> Do any of the tests fail for you? Run: make test.
> If you build with --enable-symbols you'll be able to run 'info locals'
> and 'backtrace' in gdb and get some more information.
> Try this:
> ns_section "ns/server/server1/module/nssock"
> ns_param  keepwait 0
> Does it crash immediately (or sooner) than num-threads-requests?
> Try this:
> ns_section "ns/server/server1/module/nssock"
> ns_param  writersize 0
> Does that prevent the crash?
> On 7/31/07, Neophytos Demetriou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Here is the data I have at the moment:
>> * Server crashes every 40 page requests
>>   (times 39 dependent files, i.e. js, css, ajax, etc)
>> * Only one thread per page request is used (background delivery
>> mechanism). Hence, the number 40 matches the allowable
>> maxthreads/minthreads (see configuration below).
>> * Crashes with/without zippy allocator.
>> * Crashes with/without HackContentEncoding.
>> * gdb output:
>>  Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
>>  [Switching to Thread 49156 (LWP 29203)]
>>  0xb7f433cc in Ns_SetFindCmp () from
>>  /opt/naviserver-4.99.2/lib/
>>  (gdb) continue
>>  Continuing.
>>  Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
>>  0xb7d30c51 in kill () from /lib/
>> * However, the Ns_SetFindCmp code does not seem to be the culprit.
>> * Request handler is as follows:
>>   proc ::defaultRequestHandler {args} {
>>     set o [::xo::RequestHandler new]
>>     $o respond
>>     $o destroy
>>     #ns_set cleanup
>>     return
>>   }
>>   foreach method {GET HEAD POST} {
>>     ns_register_proc $method / ::defaultRequestHandler
>>   }
>> * If you uncomment the "ns_set cleanup" line, no fatal signal is
>> received. However, a server error occurs at the threshold (40 requests
>> times 39 dependent files) due to the fact that the form-conn ns_set is
>> not found (I haven't checked how NS uses sets per thread (my guess is
>> that it creates a persistent ns_set per thread).
>> * NS configuration synopsis:
>>   - 4.99.1 init.tcl (see previous thread, i.e. xotcl)
>>   - without nstrace
>>   - progressminsize/uploadsize 10000 bytes
>>   - 4 spooler writer/reader
>>   - MaxThreads        40
>>   - MinThreads        40
>>   - MaxConnections    120
>>   - MaxDropped        0
>> I plan to investigate this further in the following days. If you have
>> any suggestions/comments/help please do not hesitate to post (or contact
>> me).
>> Best wishes,
>> Neophytos
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