On 20.09.2006, at 17:53, Bernd Eidenschink wrote:

If you have the client installed, simply try for a checkout:

AH, this is really NOT simple...

I would say, please _do_not_ switch to svn anything until
I managed to get all this (clients) installed.

When I pull svn-client using Fink commander for Mac OSX,
it breaks with tons of unresolved packages, blablabla...
For the svn-ssl client it's even worse. I do not know
how to install this client(s) w/o installing 55 other
packages that I do not need and do not know... Its seems
like another 10 hours adventure, backing up disks, restoring
etc pp. I do not have time for this, really...

This is just what I ment: nothing is simple.

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