> On 20.09.2006, at 17:53, Bernd Eidenschink wrote:
> > If you have the client installed, simply try for a checkout:
> >
> > # svn co https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/naviserver/trunk/
> > naviserver
> Simple? Simple???
>There you go. What is simple here? My (pessimistic, but close to  
>experience tells me (and this keeps prooving itself) that NOTHING
>(I mean really _NOTHING_) is simple.

Zoran, this became a self-fullfilling prophecy! 
I'm not the scapegoat here: I am not paid to play an evangelist of SVN and 
gave an example of the usage after you wrote:

>Provided we all agree (count me in)
>when/how you plan to do it?

which gave me the impression you are somewhat ready for a test so I added 
examples of usage. I use SVN at work, I think it's better, but it does 
_absolutely not matter_ to me if it is used by everyone and every project 
(again: absolutely not! I don't care). I'm convinced it can be a real benefit 
if you can't stay with some CVS oddities, but I know as well: Never change a 
running system.

You have very tough requirements for your revision control system and made 
that very clear.

Don't switch.


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