On 03.10.2006, at 00:13, Stephen Deasey wrote:

(It's different in naviserver. you can pass in a string name for the
mutex, and if it doesn't exits, it's automatically created. this
mostly works...)

Interesting... (I did not know that, which stresses the importance of
documentation again...)

But... I believe there is a "hole" there. Look:

lexxsrv:nscp 7> ns_mutex lock themutex
lexxsrv:nscp 8> ns_cond wait thecond themutex
invalid address "themutex"
lexxsrv:nscp 9>

I could however:

lexxsrv:nscp 9> ns_cond broadcast thecond
lexxsrv:nscp 10>

So it is the [ns_cond wait] that does not play exactly by the rules.
Should I look into that or would you?
I'm asking this because I'd like to use this feature and drop our
Tcl wrappers which do basically the same thing...

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