On 20.09.2006, at 13:36, Gustaf Neumann wrote:

just my 2 cents...

Very valuable insights from (obvious) experience ...

Look at for example our case...

We have 3 people VERY good at C and "low-level" programming
(including kernel-level drivers). We have one guy pretty
experienced in Web GUI development. We need to have at least
one or two more in that area. So, basically, good knowledge
of HTML, XML and CSS are absolute prerequisites. But, we need
to create server-side pages. That is, you need to add the
Tcl, as there is nothing in Naviserver that you can use instead.
Mostly, people having written some "home-page"-kind of apps
(if you can call this application at all) HAVE some experience
in Javascript. Because more and more functionality will be
done in JS (client-side) you need to have those people learn
JS pretty good and this is what they will do. Now, why not
piggybacking on that and give them the tools to employ their
knowledge on the server-side as well?
They need not write async code nor concurrent MT-code.
For that we have libraries either in Tcl or (mostly) in C
written by a. people (see below).

In the near future, most of the Web-applications will be
even more (heavily) based on JS then they are now.
So people will invest more and more in that area. Why not
take advantage of that?

I believe one thing that we've isolated so far is:

To write serves-side code (libraries, complex logic, etc)
we will mostly stay with Tcl and C as I know this is
unbeatable combination. Years and years of experience have
thought me so.

To write dynamic HTML pages to produce a client-based
"application" will (always) be the case of mixing HTML/CSS/JS
hence by using JS both server and client side simplifies the
task of the programmer. He/she, after all, has already enough to
do in order to mix JS with HTML/CSS. Adding something else
(Tcl, PHP, whatever) was out of the necessity (historical
reasons) and not out of the design reasons.

To find people doing a. is very hard. But when you find
them, then the language question is secondary. They already
have enough experience to learn and be productive quickly
given XYZ tool. This is NOT the audience I'm talking about.

To find people doing b. is simpler. But as they do NOT
have that extensive programming background, you can't expect
from them to learn 4 different languages (HTML/CSS/JS/TCL)
to write a web-based application. Even HTML/CSS/JS is
pretty enough for them. By having the server-side pendant
of JS just simplifies things for b. people.

So, it is the b. I'm talking about. I'd like to make the
burden of working with NS lower by adding alternative
language to compose dynamic pages.

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