Reading recently about different tests, i decided to see how we stand with PHP or Ruby.

The results are somewhat bad, Naviserver is 2x slower on simple adp page comparing to similar PHP page.

Below are files:


Test list <?php print date; ?><P>


for ($i = 0; $i < 50; $i++) {
  print $i;





Test list <%=[ns_fmttime [ns_time]]%><P>


for { set i 0 } { $i < 50 } { incr i } {
  ns_adp_puts $i




The commands i used:

ab -c 10 -n 1000 http://localhost/test/test.adp
ab -c 10 -n 1000 http://localhost:8080/test.php

Machine is 3.2Ghx Xeon(Hyperthreading enabled) with 1Gb of RAM

PHP Requests per second:    3281.09 [#/sec] (mean)
NS  Requests per second:    1762.10 [#/sec] (mean)

Converting .adp into.tcl did not help, still same speed. I've never benchmarked NS before, but now i am surprised. I know Tcl is slow but that is at least 2 times. By making list bigger as 500 iterations, PHP works still faster than Tcl does 50 iterations.

Vlad Seryakov
571 262-8608 office

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