yes, i played with all those settings, not significant, i start with 10 threads, then i tried with 30 threads, usually first run is slow but after that it runs at full speed. I checked nsstats.conf for lock contention and even tried to disable some for testing purposes, no big difference, i would say not difference at all. The only thing which slowed down a little bit are filter, i have framework that installed several filters for security and templating, this took about 50 req/sec once activated.

Bernd Eidenschink wrote:
Does "ab" use keepalive (guess not...)? NaviServer should start with all 10 threads from the beginning (at least with the same number your Apache does pre-fork).
Turn all kind of stats off that may be on by default.


ns_section      ns/server/$server
ns_param        connsperthread          0
ns_param        minthreads              10
ns_param        maxthreads              100

# Max connections to put on queue (100)
ns_param        maxconnections          100

# Max connections to put on queue (100)
ns_param        maxconnections          100

# Number of pending connections
# There is a system wide limit and a limit per application.
# The system wide can be displayed on Linux with:
# sysctl -a| grep max_syn_backlog
# The settings can be changed (e.g. to 1024):
# Solaris:  /usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_conn_req_max_q 1024
# Linux:    /sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=1024
ns_param   listenbacklog      32

ns_param   keepalivetimeout   30
ns_param   maxkeepalive       100

ns_param        globalstats             false
ns_param        urlstats                false

ns_section      ns/server/stats
ns_param        enabled                 0

ns_section      ns/threads
ns_param        mutexmeter              false

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Vlad Seryakov
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