On Nov 19, 2009, at 9:36 AM, Vlad Seryakov wrote:
> Yes, regular form parser uses mmap, so for huge files it is not good
> I use 1-2GB file pretty easily with the spooler.
> In the script, just check if the file is spooled
> set tmpfile [ns_conn contentfile]
> if { $tmpfile != "" } {
>   # Rename to keep it from being deleted on session exit
>   file rename $tmpfile $tmpfile.mpg
>   # Call offline parser
>   set form [ns_set create]
>   ns_parseformfile $tmpfile $form [ns_set iget [ns_conn headers] content-type]
> }

Thank you Vlad, for this source code, which led me in the right direction.  
This all works now and my nsd process never goes about 50mb in handling a 2gb 
zip file upload.  

In case anyone else has to ever deal with this, here were the issues with 
handling a large file upload with the spooler:

A) the spooler wasn't being used, rather the old form handler was, so I changed 
the config.tcl file to:
         ns_param maxinput       3000000000
         ns_param maxupload      1024

to force the spooler to be almost always used.

B) form vars are not parsed when the spooler is used, so ns_queryget doesn't 
work, and instead something like this needs to be used to get to the form vars:
        set form [ns_set create]
        ns_parseformfile $tmpfile $form [ns_set iget [ns_conn headers] 
        array set formdata [ns_set array $form]


Vlad, in the code sample you gave above, I don't think you want to do this:
>   # Rename to keep it from being deleted on session exit
>   file rename $tmpfile $tmpfile.mpg

because if you do that, the ns_parseformfile command immediately afterward 
fails because the temp file is no longer there. Your code sample doesn't work.

Here is the code I finally settled on, which works great.  

set tmpfile [ns_conn contentfile]
if { $tmpfile == "" } {
    ns_adp_puts {Something is wrong.}

set form [ns_set create]
ns_parseformfile $tmpfile $form [ns_set iget [ns_conn headers] content-type]
array set formdata [ns_set array $form]
puts "array: [array get formdata]"

# this code fills in the variables I need rather than using ns_queryget
set inemail $formdata(email)
set inpw $formdata(pw)
set desc $formdata(desc)

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