I put naviserver into production today, and found that the spooler wouldn't 
work for me, on my production linux (32bit) machine.  However, the same config 
file works perfectly under OSX.  All spooler-enabled uploads get an immediate 
"The connection was reset" error in Firefox.

My config has:
>          ns_param maxinput       3000000000
>          ns_param maxupload      1024
>          ns_param spoolerthreads  1

and nsd reports:
> [21/Nov/2009:17:42:35][18975.1065a6000][-spooler0-] Notice: spooler0: 
> accepting connections

--> Any ideas on how to go about debugging the problem?


Changing "maxupload" to a large value makes uploads work the old (memory 
hogging) way.

Perhaps the problem is how I built my naviserver on linux?  I simply ran 
"autogen.sh" from the cvs tree, and I also tried it with
./autogen.sh --enable-threads --enable-symbols  --with-tcl=/usr/local/lib

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