Hi all,

I've exchanged correspondence with a number of people here but I'd like 
to extend a formal introduction - well, as formal as mailing lists get.

I suspect most of the people on this list also read the aolserver list 
and have seen the recent interest in re-merging aolserver and naviserver 
development and community.  I'm happy to be a part of this effort.  I've 
only kept up with developments in naviserver intermittently, so I'm just 
now starting to learn and explore the differences.  From what I can tell 
a lot of what I'd like to see in aolserver has already been done in 

I have worked with aolserver for a while, mostly as a user and 
occasional patch-submitter / bugfixer, but only recently as an active 
developer.  Other than what I've been doing, AOLserver has been seeing 
very little development.  This, along with other unrelated 
considerations has led me to adopt some sloppy practices, notably a 
tendency to commit working but incomplete (i.e., poor style, 
documentation) changes earlier and clean up on later commits.

While this has worked ok for me in the past, naviserver is a different, 
more active community and development style.  I've already made a few 
missteps and been advised of commit guidelines, but I'm still learning 
what the preferred development style is (and also getting used to the 
quirks of mercurial).   So then - what is the preferred style?  Propose 
changes on the development list and then make changes to the main 
branch,  make changes on a dev branch and merge after discussion, or 
create a private forked repository and merge changes in as patches/pull 
requests, or something else entirely.  I'm happy to follow whatever the 
convention is, tho I certainly prefer to avoid additional administrative 
overhead and making changes in multiple places.

I'm looking forward to working with everyone.


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