On 09.10.2012, at 20:10, Jeff Rogers wrote:

Hi Jeff!

> Propose 
> changes on the development list and then make changes to the main 

This is how we have worked so far. This mostly covers bug fixes.
Whole-sale changes are little bit different... but they happen
seldom. In that case, a branch consisting of all the changes is
prefered. In any case, we must see the changes *clearly* and everybody
should be able to inspect and judge if this is potentially breaking
something or heading in the "wrong" direction. What is "wrong" is
difficult to tell... But people usually get the picture soon.
Coding style is clear from the code and it follows the AOLserver
and Tcl conventions mostly.

We are very concerned about the stability. 

Some people here (including myself) use this code in commercial 
products which are mission-critial for many companies arround 
the world. Lots of effort and time has been invested in debugging, 
fixing races and memory leaks in the current Naviserver code. 
This does not mean we don't want any changes. On the contrary!
But just that one has to be a little bit extra careful.
I assume you know all this but it is good to repeat this every
once in a while :-)


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