
I already did it with control port with same results[1]. As you notice,
it has to be something with env. HOME is /root although start script was
/usr/local/ns/bin/nsd -u openacs -g web ...

It seems it doesn't load all env variables of USER (openacs).


openacs:nscp 6> array get ::env
LD_LIBRARY_PATH :/usr/local/pgsql/lib HOME /root LANG es_ES.UTF-8 PWD
/root MAIL /var/mail/root LOGNAME root  SHELL /bin/bash TERM xterm-color
SSH_TTY /dev/pts/0 USER openacs _ /etc/init.d/naviserver_ctl
openacs:nscp 7> exec /usr/bin/yui-compressor --type css
.form-widget-error,.form-error{color:#c30000}.form-required- ( ... )
adding-bottom:10px}.margin-form-div h1{margin-left:13.5em}dpkg: aviso:
fallo al abrir el fichero de configuración `/root/.dpkg.cfg' para
lectura: Permiso denegado

El 08/junio/16 a las 2:28, Gustaf Neumann escribió:
> Am 08.06.16 um 00:29 schrieb Cesáreo García Rodicio:
>> Sorry, I don't have /ds/shell installed so I can not try now.
> Most openacs developers have the developer support installed...
> Alternatively, you can use to the control port (nscp module), when 
> configured.
> With a configuration like the sample nsd-config.tcl, you can use "telnet 
> 4080"
> to connect to the server and debug there interactively.
> -g
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