For those interested, here is some information about the Classification of 
air filters covered by the UL Standard UL900.

"These requirements cover tests to determine combustibility and the amount 
of smoke generated for air filter units of both washable and throwaway 
types used for removal of dust and other airborne particles from air 
circulated mechanically in equipment and systems installed in accordance 
with the Standards for Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating 
Systems, NFPA 90A (Other Than Residence Type), and for Installation of Warm 
Air Heating and Air Conditioning Systems, NFPA 90B (Residence Type)."

"Air filter units covered by this standard are classified as follows:
a)  Class 1 Units - Those that, when clean, do not contribute fuel when 
attacked by flame and emit only negligible amounts of smoke.
b)  Class 2 Units - Those that, when clean, burn moderately when attacked 
by flame or emit moderate amounts of smoke, or both."

I hope you find this information useful.

Randy Ivans
Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
Business Sector Coordinator
Telecommunications Industry
Original Text
From: "John.E.Allen" <>, on 5/6/98 9:54 PM:
Hi Folks

>From previous work I seem to remember that UL 900 on air filters and air 
filter units may be the standard which contains "Class 2 " filters.

Can someone check this for me as I don't currently have a copy.


John Allen
Product and System Safety Manager
Racal Radio Ltd

From:   Robert Tims[]
Sent:   05 May 1998 18:27
Subject:        Re: Flammability of air filters


UL does not have a "Class 2" flame rating, per se. I do not have the -78 
document with me today, so I am not sure in what context the "Class 2" 
you quoted came from. UL has classes for power and voltage...
Hope this helps.
If you need more help, perhaps spell out the exact wording of the standard 
to me in another e-mail.

Bob Tims
Compliance Engineer
Ericsson Messaging Systems Inc.

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