In a related area of compliance world, have any of you had experience
subjecting your prototypes to HALT testing, then your production units
to HASS testing (such as by QualMark)??  I'm wondering if this sort of
"accelerated life" testing is something out there for the satellite and
space shuttle designers, rather than for ITE and Telecom equipment

For those that did do some of this, did you break the bank and use 6
months of your life for this testing, or was it relatively quick and
painless (yeah, right)?

We're considering shaking and baking our telecom unit using these types
of tests as a design verification tool, but one doesn't hear much about
it on the newswire...


p.s. HALT - Highly Accelerated Life Testing
     HASS - Highly Accelerated Stress Screening


Sr. Compliance Engineer

*  <>  *
*  (510) 413-1349 direct   *
*  (510) 492-0808 fax      *
*  VINA Technologies,Inc.  *
*  42709 Lawrence Place    *
*  Fremont, CA  94538      *

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