On Thursday, 14. February 2002 20:52, you wrote:
> I would have preferred to see a diff but anyway: the only difference
> I see is that you half the size of memory to allocate.
> I'm sure that's wrong. The reason that you don't see any problems is
> that you don't do any other operations that use the offscreen
> framebuffer.
> However it is very likely that your video image is leaking into the
> memory reserved for the HW cursor.

Egbert, you are right. I made a clean room setup with the source from 
4.2.0 and your patch. Xine crashes like before, but with commenting the 
statement in neo_driver.c with the if(lines>1024) ..., it works, but why 
did you comment out the first part of the if-statement?
I changed:

        if (/* nPtr->NeoChipset < NM2200 &&*/  lines > 1024)
                   lines = 1024;

        /* if (   nPtr->NeoChipset < NM2200 &&  lines > 1024)
                   lines = 1024;

But i think

        if (nPtr->NeoChipset < NM2200 &&  lines > 1024)
                   lines = 1024;

would be all right, too?!

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