On Fri, Feb 15, 2002 at 11:28:10AM +0100, Egbert Eich wrote:
> Frank Fiene writes:
>  > Egbert, you are right. I made a clean room setup with the source from 
>  > 4.2.0 and your patch. Xine crashes like before, but with commenting the 
>  > statement in neo_driver.c with the if(lines>1024) ..., it works, but why 
>  > did you comment out the first part of the if-statement?
>  > I changed:
>  > 
>  >    if (/* nPtr->NeoChipset < NM2200 &&*/  lines > 1024)
>  >               lines = 1024;
>  >    
>  > to
>  > 
>  >    /* if (   nPtr->NeoChipset < NM2200 &&  lines > 1024)
>  >               lines = 1024;
>  >    */ 
>  > 
>  > But i think
>  > 
>  >    if (nPtr->NeoChipset < NM2200 &&  lines > 1024)
>  >               lines = 1024;
>  > 
>  > would be all right, too?!
>  > 
> Frank, yes and no. It is a matter of fact that FillSolidRect()
> doesn't work for lines higer than 1024. Now we have already limited
> the visible area of the framebuffer to 1024 max. 
> If you remove this line you will make the offscreen framebuffer
> were pixmaps are stored extend past line 1024. 
> Now I haven't seen a case were FillSolidRect() is used on an
> onscreen framebuffer. At the moment I'm not even sure if this will
> happen.
> If it does people will notice funny behavior and post inconclusive
> bug reports on this list and I will send days poking all information
> out of them that their problem is related to this change.
> Therefore I will *never* let the pixmap cache extend beyond line
> 1024 in the official code until I'm very sure that FillSolidRect()
> will not be called on this area.

Let me first give you a big "Thank You" for your work.
To the entire XFree86 team in general, and "you know who you are"
in particular for this driver enhancement.
If the stuff I pay money for had half the level of support....well...

Dell CPiA 366 works great with this driver. NM2200, 2.5MB of video
memory. (But I think someone once told me that the audio driver steals a
bit of memory. Is this true?)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Neomagic Corporation [MagicMedia 256AV] (rev 20)
01:00.1 Multimedia audio controller: Neomagic Corporation [MagicMedia 256AV Audio] 
(rev 20)

I'd like to know what limitations we have as a result of hardware design
and the available video memory. I run my LCD at 1024x768@16bpp. That's 1.5MB. 
Is all of the remaining 1024 kB available to us? Or is this were the
"lines > 1024" statements above comes in?

The reason for asking is that 320x240 and 352x288 mpegs works ok, while
a 720x576 clip yeilds :

X Error of failed request:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)
  Major opcode of failed request:  141 (XVideo)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  19 ()
  Serial number of failed request:  1353
  Current serial number in output stream:  1353

*Should* I be able to play back that clip?
And does this in any way have anything to do with the output from
'xvinfo' saying: maximum XvImage size: 1024 x 1024   ?

I'll try Frank's hack and see if that makes a difference. Regarding your worries about 
FillSolidRect, I figure I could add 

Option "XaaNoSolidFillRect"

to XF86Config to avoid "funny behavior"? But that is perhaps going to
limit 2D performance severely?


Dag B

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