
As the "community" of users and clock builders with Nixie and other
obsolete display technologies, should we consider setting standards
for the spacing of tubes, particularly in clocks?

Then anyone who markets sub-assemblies such as PCBs which carry tubes,
could design the mechanics such as the tube spacing and perhaps other
parameters such as mounting holes to the standard.  Standard PCBs
could then fit into standard cases.

Of course, the spacing for large tubes and small tubes must differ.
So there could be a standard for common 12-18mm digit height tubes for
instance, specifying tube spacing as a function of some aesthetically
appealing proportions of digit width (relying on the mean width of
typical tubes of this category) to tube spacing.  Likewise for larger
tubes such as ZM1040/Z566M and IN-18.

It might be nice if different technologies of tubes could fit to a
particular standard, such as accommodating 21mm VFD tubes in the same
category mentioned above, so that a wide variety of clock designs
could fit a standard case size.

What think we?

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