Hi David,

I'm glad to see you're all right.  I was worried about you and your
business.  Please let me know what went astray in the watch.



On Feb 1, 9:18 pm, David Forbes <dfor...@dakotacom.net> wrote:
> On 2/1/11 11:36 AM, Mort wrote:
> > I bought a Nixie watch from him in April of last year.  It worked
> > flawlessly until the beginning of November.  I got up, picked it up
> > from my dresser to discover that the left tube was on continuously
> > while the right tube was dark.  Resetting the watch by pulling the
> > battery didn't work.  I returned it under warranty.  After several
> > emails to David in the first part December, he let me know he was
> > rearranging his shop and that he'd get to it in a week.  Several
> > emails to him in January went unanswered.  I'm coming up on the three
> > month mark in five days.
> > I guess I'm a bit concerned.
> Mort,
> Hi. I'm back in the Nixie watch world after taking more time off than I
> expected. I got sick just before finishing my workshop, and that threw
> me out of whack.
> I have your watch repaired and it will ship in a few days after I'm sure
> it's working properly.
> I also am taking orders for Nixie watches again, if anyone's interested.
> I have about 6 months of backlog to work through.
> --
> David Forbes, Tucson AZhttp://www.cathodecorner.com/

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